Four Year Old Kinder

Four year old kinder is an important step for your child.

Through kindergarten children learn skills they will build on throughout life

The Victorian government funds a kindergarten program for children who have turned four by April 30th. It is intended that children attend the year before they go to school.

Through a play- based program children are provided with opportunities to develop intellectual, physical, emotional, language and social skills. Learning through play allows each child to learn at their own pace and gain confidence and skills necessary for a successful transition to the more formal learning environment they encounter at school.
Our Early Childhood teachers plan educational programs based on The Early Years Learning Framework.

The child is central to what is being planned, implemented and evaluated.

Our program is be based around identity, community, well-being, learning and communication and includes a combination of outdoor and indoor, individual, small and large group activities.

2024 Timetable 

Red Group: 

Monday 8:30am to 11:30am – Earth Kinder

Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:30am to 2:30pm

Blue Group:

Wednesday 9:00am to 12:00pm – Earth Kinder

Tuesday & Fridays 9:00am to 3:00pm

2024 Term Dates

Term 1: 29th Jan to 28th Mar

Term 2: 15th Apr to 28th Jun

Term 3: 15th Jul to 20th Sep

Term 4: 7th Oct to 20th Dec

Earth Kinder Program Overview

Mansfield Kindergarten promotes a holistic approach to children’s learning and development. In order to offer a unique educational experience within our program, the children attend Earth Kinder for three hours each week. We believe Earth Kinder encourages children to develop responsibility for themselves and others, promotes children using their imagination and develops their physical and motor skills.

“Outdoor spaces with plants, trees, rocks, mud and water invite open ended interactions, spontaneity, risk taking and a connection with nature.” (NQS, 2010, Element 3, Physical Environment)

Earth Kinder is a special part of your child’s total kindergarten experience. They have the opportunity to play in the rain, get muddy, be involved in changing types of play, talk, listen, find insects, explore, participate in natural art and observe nature first-hand. Their affinity with their local, natural environment will be developed, and sustainability practices will be enhanced into the future.

At times, specialists may assist the children’s learning. We have strong affiliations with Vic Parks, Landcare and our Aboriginal elders and we  have visits from these groups to share knowledge and understandings of our local area. Through play, your children connect with and learn to respect this unique space. They will grow connections with their land in a way that cannot be done under a roof or within the kindergarten walls.

For detailed information about the Earth Kinder program please review the Earth Kinder Parent Handbook available for download below…

Learning French Program Overview

In 2016, Mansfield Kindergarten was chosen by the Federal Government to be part of a child-centred programme specifically aimed at children in the year before school to learn a language through apps whilst at kindergarten. This programme is the Early Learning Languages Australia Programme (ELLA).

The objectives of the program are to;
– Introduce children to words, sentences, and songs in a language other then English
– Give children opportunities to recognise sounds and concepts of language
– Provide children with appropriate experience and practice in the language
– Provide engaging and educational play based language learning experiences.

The ELLA Programme is delivered on tablet devices through specialised apps. In these apps, children meet adorable characters called ‘Polygots’. These Polygots introduce the children to words, sentences and songs in our chosen language, French. These Polygots capture the children’s imagination and lead them on an enchanting language learning and cultural journey.
With fundraising efforts and local grants, we were able to purchase 6 tablets to allow our the children access to this programme. Each child can spend up to 20 minutes per week on the apps across multiple small sessions. This aligns with the Australian Government’s screen time recommendation for small children. The programme is also fully government funded.

If you would like more information on the ELLA programme, please contact our office and speak to one of our educators. You can also visit the ELLA website

is your child ready for kinder?

contact us today for more information or a tour of our kinder

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