what makes
us special

“Mansfield Kindergarten is a dynamic and progressive kindergarten whose mission is to provide a high quality educational program for children and families in accordance with its commitment to the rights of children and the principles of social justice”

putting children first

The focus of our education program is the child. We strive to empower children, by using their thoughts and ideas to develop the program. We encourage each child to reach their full potential in accordance with their individual ability. We encourage exploration and creativity, to question and formulate ideas, and to learn the importance of the process not the product. 

Our educators seek and value children’s comments, points of view and ideas encouraging alternative perspectives, representations, opinions and conclusions. Active dialogue between children and educators involves listening, waiting and responding. 

We value the contribution of children, parents, committee and staff in developing our program and facilities, and believe that the provision of quality education for children is a right. 

learning today for a better tomorrow.

where it all started

The new kindergarten building was completed in August 1955. The kindergarten was erected free of debt by the Department of Health granting an operating subsidy but assistants wages were paid by the Committee of Management. By 1985, the kindergarten space was not large enough to accommodate all the children enrolled and so the Old Library Building at the front was opened as an annex. In 1988, the new extension was added to the building. This was also the year that the new tree house extension was built!

The kindergarten has seen many operational changes over the years, however throughout all of these changes, the Committee of Management made up of volunteer parents have worked closely with the teachers to achieve an effective running of the kindergarten. 


Meet our Team.

4 Year Old Teacher & Director
I am currently the Director, and one of the 4 year- old's teachers at Mansfield Kindergarten. I have been working here for a number of years - 16 in fact! This speaks volumes about the fun and enjoyment that we all gain from working here. My children attended the kindergarten, where I began my time on the Committee as Secretary. The following year, I began teaching 3 and 4 year- old kinder groups. Over the years, I have mentored Early Childhood teachers in regional Victoria and have achieved classification from the Department of Education and Training at Exemplary Level. I am passionate about keeping abreast of cutting-edge early childhood education, and a firm believer that families provide a child's best education.
3 Year Old Educator
4 Year Old Educator
I started working here at Mansfield Kindergarten in 1989 as an Assistant or Co-Educator as the position is now know as. Over the past 27 years I have also worked as an Additional Assistant, Home-Care Worker, Integration Aide and Child Care Worker. Through working at the Kinder, I have had the opportunity to undertake further study. I have completed a Cert 3 in Community Services (Children's Services) and a Diploma of Children's Services (Early Childhood Education and Care. I also have current level 2 First Aid Cert. and Asthma and Anaphylaxis Management Training. I enjoy all aspects of my job especially opportunities to develop and enhance my skills and knowledge.
3 Year Old Educator
4 Year Old Educator
My association with Mansfield Kindergarten began when I attended as a student in 1972! Since then I've done a full circle. Having completed my schooling in Mansfield I moved to Melbourne and studied. With a Diploma in Teaching(Primary) and a graduate Diploma in Special Education, I began my teaching career. I worked in special Education settigns and for many years was an Early Intervention teacher for Autistic children. I have 3 teenage children who all attended Mansfield Kinder and keep me busy. I started working at the Kinder in 2013 as an additional assistant and am now a co-educator with the Four year old group. The Kindergarten is a caring, supportive and inclusive centre for all pre-school children.
4 Year Old Educator
4 Year Old Educator
Retired but we won't let her let go!
Although Helen retired at the end of 2016, she is an integral part of our kinder community. With over 30 years of educational teaching experience at our kinder, Helen completed her Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and in 2010 was a finalist in the Victorian Department of Education's Excellence in Teaching Award. If you see Helen around our grounds, say hello and ask her about her latest travel plans, oh and her adorable grandkids.




Here are some quick answers that you might be after, however if you require further information we are only a phone call away to discuss our kinder more.

Can I enrol my child in 3 year old sessions?

Yes. If we have available positions your child be enrolled into both our Monday and Friday sessions, or just the one day.

My child is turning 3 half way through the year, when can I enrol them into 3 year old little kinder?

Once your child is 3, they can attend our 3 year old sessions however it will depend on available spaces for the relevant terms they are 3.

Do you offer a Playgroup program?

Unfortunately not in 2017. We are currently seeking funding to support us holding a playgroup, however until then no.

If you would like to become a sponsor an upcoming Playgroup program, please speak to our office to discuss further.

What is Earth Kinder?

Our Earth Kinder program is for our 4 year old groups held outdoors near the wetlands. The children get to explore and learn about our environment. We often have visiting guests to help teach the children about the wildlife. The children also get to walk (and sometimes ride) around the many paths all under the close supervision and care of our educators. It’s a great fun way for them to learn outside a classroom.

Does the Kinder also have excursions or other activities for the children?

Yes. Throughout the year our 4 year olds will have multiple excursions around the township, including the local library.

We also host many performers, acts, visiting guests throughout for all groups. These range from Snake and DOg safety, performing acts, artists and we have the girls from Lauriston visit to help build their skills and teach our kids.

is your child ready for kinder?

contact us today to enrol your child

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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